Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Blog Post #1: Top 5 News Sources

I'm not one to go reading random news articles in my free time and won't even go out of my way to read the news. Most of the time, the way I get my news is from seeing headlines on social media or from people I know talking about it. It's always wise to be skeptical at first when only hearing about something on social media or from a friend because it will usually only be from one person's perspective. The headline may not be totally accurate and anyone talking about it may be biased.

Social media is my top news source but isn't where I stop when I really want to learn more about something going on. Social media is a fine news source for initially learning about something, but shouldn't be where anyone stops when looking to form a real opinion of what's going on.

Where I like to head first is either The Washington Post or The New York Times. I like these sources a lot because of the wide variety of topics they cover, like sports, politics, travel, food, science, and education; so no matter what prompted me to go to these sources, I know they will have it covered. Another thing I really like is how neutral these sources are, they aren't skewed left or right and their journalists are always excellent writers.

Every Wednesday in middle school, in my social studies class, our teacher would play the most recent episode of CNN Student News (now known as CNN10). It was a 10-minute program designed for middle and high school kids discussing major news topics from the past week. I really enjoyed it because it highlighted a large number of different topics and ideas about the world that I wouldn't normally have known (also because we didn't do much later that day, so it was basically a free day once a week).

Years later, I've grown to like CNN as a whole and everything they have to offer, but every once in a while I'll watch the latest Student News episode for nostalgia.

When I go and visit my grandmother, or when she comes and visits me, she gets up early and likes to watch Fox News. She enjoys it for the daily coverage of relevant topics and being on television, it's easy for her to access. When I get up and she's watching, I'll sometimes watch as well.