Friday, April 30, 2021

Final Blog: Technology

Since I can remember, technology has always been a big part of my life and has done a lot to shape who I am today. When I was little my parents got us the Nintendo Wii for Christmas; some of my favorite games to play were Mario Kart Wii and Wii Sports, especially with or against my younger siblings. 

Ever since then I've always been fascinated with Nintendo, I got the Wii U when it came, and now enjoying playing on my Nintendo Switch. This early passion for video games is what lead me to become a Game Design Major.

I believe I have both a healthy and a little bit of an unhealthy relationship with technology. Technology has got me to where I am today, which I am thankful for. I use technology every day, either for school work, to do and turn in assignments, or for personal use to play games and surf the web.

I'm not the most active on social media, something I am ok with. I was more active in the past, but I've dialed it back because I didn't want it controlling me or taking too much of my time. I definitely use social media far less than the average person does.

On the contrary, I do still think I have part of an unhealthy relationship with technology too. I will sometimes find myself on my phone or playing games when I know I need to be doing something else. When I do eventually get into whatever that something else is, I get distracted by my phone often and stop doing what I need to.

Although a mix of both, I think this is mostly my lack of focus and wanting to do anything else than it is specifically being too attached to my phone. What I've started doing now is placing my phone somewhere else in my room than where I'm working and moving various other objects within arm's reach away, so I'll be less distracted.

If someone were to search my name, Tyler Johnson, and try to find me, they would be quite unsuccessful. For beginners, Johnson is the second most common last name, after Smith, and Tyler is by no means a rare first name.

The first Tyler Johnson I found while googling myself was a professional basketball player who plays for the New York Mets. Going further, there's a Tyler Johnson who plays hockey for the Tampa Bay Lightning, as well as a Tyler Johnson who plays football for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Not that it would be impossible to find me, it just might a few hours.

One of the greatest things about technology is how useful it is, machines that can do the work of 100 men for a fraction of the effort, giving people ways of communicating from across the globe, to just list some.

A ride from the 1964 World Fair in New York, called Futurama featured in this video. It makes a prediction about how technology will revolutionize everything people do in the future. It's an optimistic take for a hopeful future.

On the other hand, this video is a more pessimistic view of what technology can do. It depicts everyone completely sucked into their phones, neglecting what's happening around them in the real world.

Both videos have some truth to them and reflect different aspects of our society. Of course, technology has done wonders with advancing society like the first video showed. Technology has revolutionized and industrialized a lot of what we do today. But like the second video showed, some people can become too reliant on technology.