Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Blog Post #8: Personal Computers

The computer was a revolutionary invention and a major breakthrough for technology. Ed Roberts is known as "the father of the personal computer" for designing, in 1974, the first commercially successful personal computer, titled the Altair.

This jumpstarted others and led to the real development of the industry in 1977. Apple released its first PC, along with the Tandy Radio Shack and the Commodore Business Machines. Much of the appeal of these news computers was their price. Compared to mainframe computers used by large companies, PCs were a lot cheaper making them more accessible to the public.

For years, the first generations of computers were very bulky making them immovable. Over the years, as technology advanced, the computer began to grow slimmer while still managing to get more powerful. As computers continued to develop, design split into desktop computers and laptop computers.

Desktop computers have better performance than laptops and can even be configured and upgraded over the years to stay up to date. They are also easier to repair.

The biggest advantages laptop computers have over desktops are portability and space. Laptops are designed to be portable, small enough to fit into bags, and carried around every day. By nature of being portable, they take up far less space, where desktops are placed in one spot and aren't really moved around. 

Laptops of course need to charge when low on battery compared to desktops that sit in one place and are plugged right into an outlet.

Computers opened the door for technology like the internet and cell phones and which both led the way for social media platforms. Computers allow users to gather information in seconds and make it possible to communicate with people all the way across the globe. As great as they are computers can cause some to get lost in their devices and lose touch with the real world.